Experimental Turbo FM weekend | Current Game: Colourblind Cop (Canned for the weekend)

Grey Amber is cool, you give gold likes

I like it too

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okay so that’s 6/9

Gonna need peeps for tomorrow still. anyone interested?

@Kirefitten @Wazza @Geyde wanna join?

Can’t really make time for turbo atm.


Should we start masspinging?

already did so

@Kirefitten @Wazza @BlueStorm @Reaper @RagnaroekIV join for fun

im starting to drink in around 40min so thanks no

/out because I’m with friendos


why u forsaken me


we did that twice no?

We need people

@NAOtheRitualist @GamerPoke @MaximusPrime @Frostwolf103 confirm you’re still doing this?

probably canning it for this week.

Yes I have.

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1 hour to get 4 people. this game is done…