Experimental Turbo FM weekend | Current Game: Colourblind Cop (Canned for the weekend)

yeah you guys don’t have to lynch

Totally not me

I was in a fight with my brother.

So waz is confirmed town

if we lynch or expose the delivery we lose.

/No Lynch

What’s the point of lynching then

/vote FK prolly scum

Hjaisk we are suppose to buss me D3 we had a plan!

pro tip of the day
getting Ana in King’s Row is a bad idea

Current Voters

| No Lynch | Unknown FK | 2/5 |
| FK | HJ | 1/5 |

I am game throwing And outing our scumteam d1

to get rid of someone caught by the curator

1 Like

Oh okay then.


FK is scum here 60% I am prophet trust me

/vote no lynch
I suppose no random lynches?

pats pat

Info lynch

Current Voters

| No Lynch | Unknown, FK, Meteoro | 3/5 |
| FK | HJ | 1/5 |

It should be 100% scum Fk, not 60% Hj