Experimental Turbo FM weekend | Current Game: Colourblind Cop (Canned for the weekend)

Yes , hello. This is NAO. what do we do now

lynching is anti-town here.

Honestly this game just got super boring if we never lynch till cop finds something.

vote or choose to not lynch today

If I made it mandatory people would die too fast.

/vote no-lynch

We can’t lynch today, there was no deaths so it is safe right?

Why u do this guys

Mafia only has 1 shot

there’s no killing period except for a 1 shot.

I was thinking if the curator/delivery boy should out and writing an essay here
but it went way too complicated

Absolutely not

They really shouldn’t


because we have a VIP that makes us lose if it dies, and mafia has one kill.

who isn’t here? We only have 7 people typing right now.

If delivery guy outs mafia will kill an we will lose

okay I’m adding a new rule off the spot

if the deliveryboy dies before n5 I’m replacing him with a random guard

We win if We lynch all scum

/no lynch boi


Can we lynch now

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