Experimental Turbo FM weekend | Current Game: Colourblind Cop (Canned for the weekend)

@GamerPoke I’m calling you anime name shut up

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since the curator is dead all rooms are vanilla rooms now?


I liked how you ignored my vote on gamer

Wazza is yandere

Vote Merc

if you think merc is partner why you vote the one with 0 votes instead the one with 2?


/Vote Merc

Both works

Current Voters

| Meteoro | Wazza, Mercenary | 2/4 |
| Mercenary | Meteoro, anime name, FK | 3/4 |


/vote merc

you literally ignored it


that’s hammer.

To prevent quickhammer

Flip me daddy

Merc was a burglar.

Night 5, begin export phase

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as a reminder, guards will prevent the export of the artifact.

waz left us.

i cri