Experimental Turbo FM weekend | Current Game: Colourblind Cop (Canned for the weekend)

/vote FK

Get screwed m8

Guards do your job cause FK is scum


i may or may not have fucked up this game’s mechanics now that I realize it

FK which room did you go?

@GamerPoke @Kirefitten
Which artifact dio you export

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which room*

You wouldn’t be asking that if you were delivery boy as here would be zero reason


FK. You gunna say. Guards can prove you wrong easily

Cur desk

I went to room 3


Any guards wanna prove that wrong?

I don’t know how to spell it all the way

I just said cur desk and it worked

Who is alive?

I went to room 3, no results.

guys stop I fucked up

Prove me wrong if you are a guard
