ExtraSimul Server - Spec Chat

as we all know, when I use repurposed spec chat memes to make a point it makes my point automatically correct


what if i do this

Amazing post btw.

Marshal’s pushes this game remind me a lot of Amrock’s pushes in Anni

He’s basically picking anyone who votes him, accusing them of openwolfing, and using that to push a miselim

you’re openwolfing for thinking that

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knock knock
kyo wants in

fine with me

he’s a gay vampire

we need more of those

does anyone have a dayvig they can yeet marshal with

hi Kyo

welcome to spec chat

we’re all tunneling Marshal

we have memes

Marshal: ‘Dat is towncore, he is never scum here, town town town :joy_cat:

Dat: ‘Marshal could maybe be scum’

Marshal: ‘Dat is p o w e r w o l f i n g’

for reference
the storp now thing would’ve been a lot funnier if it had gone the way I intended
which was they did it before storp fires his shot
and now they’ve forcibly role revealed him when he really didn’t want them to

PKR not gambling?
something is wrong

marshal’s recent post is dramatic irony personified


I have memes calling Marshal a wolf

this means my read is right

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how long until someone namedrops Enigma


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