ExtraSimul Server - Spec Chat

Marshal: ‘Dat is towncore, he is never scum here, town town town :joy_cat:

Dat: ‘Marshal could maybe be scum’

Marshal: ‘Dat is p o w e r w o l f i n g’

for reference
the storp now thing would’ve been a lot funnier if it had gone the way I intended
which was they did it before storp fires his shot
and now they’ve forcibly role revealed him when he really didn’t want them to

PKR not gambling?
something is wrong

marshal’s recent post is dramatic irony personified


I have memes calling Marshal a wolf

this means my read is right

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how long until someone namedrops Enigma


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Light/Marshal W/W CMV

You’re wrong

sulit, mist, marshal

those are my guesses

do i have any real basis for these other than gut?
no lol

I mean I don’t believe that a Full Tracker exists in this setup and I don’t believe Marshal is town

I guess Light could be FPSing in some way

do you want me to tell you how correct you are

oh shit he did a mobile screenshot

thats gamer

uh sure put it in a [details]

I take it back Light’s claim makes sense

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I will only PM spoilers because people compulsively click drop down boxes

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PM me because I don’t care much.

PKR is semi-hostspewed V unless the Basically An ONV is playing very suboptimally though

so I’m not really sure what happened

possibly something caused Light to get wrong feedback