[Faction Suggestion] The Corrupt

What did you change?

Removed revival and talking to the dead for Source. Removed Prince.
I removed the instakill from White Agent, too.
Nerfed Corruption Focus.

Wait you removed prince!? Why?? (And how is that responding to the new patch?)

Also does the source count as one of the 4 courupt members?

That isn’t.
The revival and talking to the dead is.
The prince has been removed because some people had complained about trust issues.(notably you have the unconvertable White Agent at your disposal instead)
And yes Source counts as one of the 4 corrupt members. Not that you should expect to see any more than 4 if there was no cap(unless BD chooses the Source as King)

With the revival and the talking to dead gone Source was nerfed and Prince not being there means that you cannot convert them(but they are also not a pain if they aren’t) so it should balance out with the nerf to the Agent.

Wait there is no prince?!

Priest not Prince ok bye now

Yes. No prince.
But there IS someone you can still trust: The White Agent.

oh okay