Fake Artist Chat

Chleb ROBBED my idea once again

wtf my internet suddenly died for no reason

arete is fine i think

Voting stage begins. With 5 players, the majority is 3.

Current VC

Accused Voted by Votes
Kyo Arete 1/3
Arete Kyo, Marshal 2/3

Arete is not fine, they drew a pirate chest

marshal is the only one who doesnt make sense

thank you Chloe

Kyo is blatantly OMGUSing despite not giving readable content

kyo’s makes sense in a world

yes it does dummy

someone will get it

this is scum!arete

Marshal drew the wrong thing like an idiot but I know what he was going for

can we unvote

I dont even see anyone elses stuff now

You can, indeed, unvote.

I get Marshal’s

but Kyo’s is

literally a line

why do i think its marshal

Arete has blatantly drew a pirate chest which makes Marshal’s wrong drawing better

also yeah arete aint acting townie

Chloe is locktown for not hammering

it’s one of kyo/arete

we could ask them each to say the 3rd letter and then see who gets it right/wrong

but like

that’s slightly against game spirit