Fake Artist Chat

but cheese is stil here

nah that was me, i tried seeing if it would skip clone but it didnt


new thing then?

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we need a new room

36298 36298

idk why that was big text

or why it was twice


how does game work

4 people have to draw a prompt
1 person does not know what it is

3 people have to find the 1 person
if they don’t, they lose
if they do but the 1 person guesses it, they lose

or well however many people are in game

there’s just 1 faker

so its spyfall but with drawing


ye i think so

ok so it’s not dat omeagalul

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@KyoDaz cmere


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ok so its kyo

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I’m here and I don’t know how to make it not obvious because it’s an easy guess
