Fake Artist Chat

Chloe how do you not get Christmas from Cheer

Or notice that’s a christmas tree

With a star on top of it

why did i have to go first as the fucking nerd :angry:

oh now see that its a christmas tree

i thoght it was a bird in a tree
and i was like
turkeys dont really live in trees

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turkeys aren’t a Christmas thing

Kyo almost killed me with this.
“For research purposes only”.

kat drawing ears incriminated them

chloe drew the moon which = sleepy = locktown

and I realized that kyo wasn’t scum when I realized thanksgiving is only in america

I thought Marshal was talking about a very inappropriate slang term

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who liked my two part drawing. i was last, so i completed the drawing in my second turn as to not give the fake person any more chances to redeem

I think it is in the non-MURICA part of the world

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You almost assassinated me with my tea.

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i drew the flag of turkey




that’s 500iq

Oh my god

but you see, as an American, I’m obliged to pretend that such parts of the world don’t exist

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(obvious sarcasm is sarcasm)

new round?

unless some1 else wants to join

Pay attention to your call.

This song is so explicit I’m not sure whether or not I’d be able to post it here