Fake Artist Chat

i dont know what the fuck marshal drew

Current VC

Accused Voted by Votes
Kyo Kat 1/3

marshal drew his super laser piss on kyos moon


marshal’s second one was troll i think

the 2nd one is me pissing in kyo’s mouth

the first one… well you can guess yourself

That is rank

quickhammer kyo for freelo


/vote kyo

Alright so we have a deepwolf, y’all

fake artist knows the word

I drew LUNGS

/vote kyo

gg nerds

aasdlikajsdasd its not kyo ugh

Hammer. Kyo was a real artist.

Current VC

Accused Voted by Votes
Kyo Kat, Marshal, Cloned 3/3

those are lungs?

that looks like A SQUID

Cloned drew someone skydiving
How does he get away with that

The Fake Artist wins this round!

god fuckin damnit

FUCK FUCK FUCK i had gamer strats

How did nobody notice cloned’s obvious skydiving after katze drew a plane

i was fake

was it scuba diving?

pretty obvious from the first one