Fake Artist Chat

i genuinely wasnt paying attention to anything i just wanted to fake a quickhammer bait and get towncred

evidently it didnt work

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I see I’m just in time for the guess.

how is it not kyo lmao

kat you have 45 seconds

I thought cheese drew a toilet bowl

nobody ever said anything about a time limit im playing roblox fuck off


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And auto cleared him lmfao

Honestly I’m looking at this and… yeah. I wish I was here during the process.


is it egypt

thats my best guess and its not a good one


The Majority wins this round!

The prompt was: Australia.

I thought you were gonna guess Chile from the toilet bowl

im so happy

someone understood

my second drawing

cheese ily

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The first one I drew was a campfire

i thought it was a flamingo

is that not a flamingo

I mean, spider, jail cell, emu.
Really kat.

I thought it was an ostrich after


its an emu

that explains a lot

did we have 2 sydney opera houses


i don’t know history for shit so i didnt get the jail cell

the upside down guy was confusing and i forgot australia existed

so i wrote fuck