Fake Artist Chat

Voting stage begins. With 4 players, the majority is 3.

/vote chloe

it’s not kyo i don’t think

Current VC

Accused Voted by Votes
Chloe Kat 1/3

its very obviously between me and chloe

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think about my second drawing

so kat or chloe


the phyla

this is the most common thing for a fake artist to say

Chloe wouldn’t make it so obscure with this prompt
Also, katze what were you thinking when you drew your second drawing

okay then think about my first drawing

“wow, chloe is way off”

have you ever taken a zoology class

1 Like

Oh. Fair enough.
/vote chloe

/vote kat

actually no

/vote chloe

Current VC

Accused Voted by Votes
Chloe Kat, Kyo, Marshal 3/3

Hammer. Chloe out your role.

thank you marshal

what the fuck is this shit

i was about to get into some real AtE shit