Fake Artist Chat

a park and a playground are different

your thesaurus is broken

Park and playground are very much the same

id argue they’re slightly different

but not absurdly so

Would you consider participating again :eyes:

playgrounds are typically in parks

but plenty of parks don’t have playgrounds

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I’m jamming to



yo come back its u

wait fuck i thought that was you LMAO


kyo/marshal poe

alright so what the heck

k so

it’s kyo?

It’s not Marshal

if its not marshal its you

It’s not Marshal or me, we both clear eachother

kat i cant read what you wrote

tell me if we had the same “theme”

It’s one of you two

i wouldnt say we have the same theme

it’s not chloe

kyo actually knows the word either way

it’s kat