Fake Artist Chat


we make a PoE on round one and refine it round 2

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… You do that by pointing out the suspicious people
Not the people whos drawing is obviously related to the picture so the fake artist can go off of it

i has a total of zero artistic skill
fuck this

Or people like cloned whom are clearly the fake artist now they’ve just pointed to sulit’s drawing because you said it was good

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you try drawing ffs

my genius is unmatched

I was the first person to draw and mine makes sense

I just forgot the extra line that should be to the right of the diagonal line

datnerd go :gun:

What the hell oh my god

ok so dat is town

k dat is good

sorry drawing with mouse takes a bit

Who is AYAYA

do you really have to ask that question



ok kyo do something clearing

marshal kat cloned and lesser extent kyo poe


ok tinfoil

kyo v