Fake Artist Chat


i drew a drink spilling and a sun to signify hotness which tea usually is

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ok so I canā€™t draw anywhere and I tried relogging and it made a 2nd one

Marshal, can you draw anything?


It doesnā€™t look like thereā€™s a space to draw anywhere?

Should we press end game

Uhā€¦ describe what we would draw?

there isnā€™t

lemme do reasearh

this doesnā€™t work

can you draw now?


I canā€™t

back to the other one?


I was fake artist twice.

so who was fake artist on the tea one?


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The other one requires people to actually own up/admit to what they are and itā€™s problematic.
Also thereā€™s no voting in-game.

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its kyo or emilia atp.

It obviously wasnā€™t me
I drew a Unicorn + Scottish flag