Fake Artist Chat

actually fuck doing vcs

cheese has 2 votes - ami and marshal

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@anon6348071 I’ll be streaming

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/vote sulit skree
what are those

im sure as hell not looking through that but I trust u anyways

its sulit or cheese

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I’ll half-watch you in the background then.

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i am too big brain for you

mine are references

yeah that’s where i’m at

also arete dont say it

the person can win if they guess it

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someone get it and vouch for me please

sulit almost feels TWTBAW to be honest

if you get what I’m saying here

cheese’s first one makes sense

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its sulit then lol
/vote sulit

/vote sulit

guys ive already lost track of votes

think abt mine

multitasking is hard

the second one is along the same lines