Fake Artist Chat

do you think im an aggressive person

cuz im
very much not

i dont think ive ever pulled hair except for my brothers’ :eyes:

imagine not being an aggressive person

come here im pulling your hair :angry::cat:

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i have more than one sibling

No you don’t seem aggressive
You just seem like the type of person who hates pigtails

chloe look at the girl in Matilda


Do you want to yank those pigtails

okay well now that you mention it

yes no

I knew it

did we ever ask sulit wtf the speaker and Y were

y was snake tongue

speak was loud

dragons be loud

youre adorable

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wait it’s my turn

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go faster i want to show my art

You draw twice

ok I cant be on my laptop for a bit when everyone finishes drawing can someone post a picture of the final thing so that I can see it on my phone

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PoE is Arete

I think it’s Cheese