Fake Artist Chat

I feel like chloe got the theme from Marshal + cheese’s drawing

You think so?

I think she drew a desert at the start

I feel rather entitled

i think my drawings speak for themselves, really

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/vote kat


Current VC

Accused Voted by Votes
Chloe Cloned 1/3
Kat Marshal 1/3

actually no


alright kyo so there should be something in your FIRST drawing? or second?


Also, if you believe I didn’t have the theme at the start, the key ties into the second object

Second drawing

chloe’s drawings were like
not good

A specific metal to be clear

my first one was trying to set up for other people to use it

chloe clearing me makes me think chloe gets it

i wanted to say something the second you drew

I think everyone gets yours, Marshal