FAM Final Main Thread - Game Over - Mafia + Imperials win!

if italy shows up and does not confirm vanillaizing lemon she is an outed wolf

okay you what no let’s do it your way

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I don’t give a fuck

I don’t want to argue this tonight

she probably dies tonight

can you people just pick someone to kill I’m bored and want to go to bed

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to be fair

ghana would prob know if italy vanillized lemon

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hi ghana

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did italy do that

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Italy has said fuck all

let me check


that’s an implicit no p sure

thats entirely believable

he’d almost certainly say something

yeah Italy said nothing about lemon

well I guess we can’t exactly hammer without him anyways

/vote Emilia

back to plugging in VR things

congrats we fucked up the night timing :partying_face:

everyone enjoy your weekend I’ll see you on monday

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what’s with all the pings

i redchecked you

read these two posts