FAM Final Main Thread - Game Over - Mafia + Imperials win!

okay but I used my neighbourhood effectively to read correctly the alignments of all three other players there

The amount of times I said PKR was town and low and behold he was

I’m saying this mostly on principle, I’m not going to deny that you read all these players correctly.

The thing is, they were all villagery in the main thread as well, and that’s what should’ve been focused on before everything else, in my opinion. Orange and katze wouldn’t have pocketed Mistyx and sulit respectively if Mistyx and sulit prioritized the main thread over the neighborhoods they were in. This might be a bold statement, considering I don’t know what was going on in their heads, but I’m sure it was a strong influence hanging over them.

Speaking of which, excellent game from sulit. She was basically an IC, made tons of spreadsheets, contributed hundreds of posts to the game, and ate wolf day KP very early.

Maybe except Lemon, she didn’t post much in the main thread and I spent some time in DVC tunneling her (sorry!).

I’d praise Mistyx and Zori as well, but I think they’ve already been given praise from others postgame.

if i was alive i would have stood with you
the neighbourhood was convinced about my thoughts on katze and i was more than ready to be sold on orange

i’m going to be honest, i don’t think your play was the problem here
it was mainly due to timezones and the fact that other villagers were less willing to re-eval

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All town

Miscleared orange fair enough
My misclear on gorta was because everyone told me he was in town meta despite contradicting himself.

4/8 wolves

I’d say I was pretty on point this game

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I haven’t been in neigbourhoods a lot, but typically I’d say it be more pro town to just voice everything in the thread, so you make yourself more readable.

It can be used for like mech plans if you townread each other or more directly engage, but mostly I’d just not use them at all probably.

For a game after a long hiatus, Luxy, I’d say you did pretty well. The number of wolf KP you ate was extraordinary, too. (Though that was largely because of your IC status, but hey! Wolves might not have killed you if you weren’t contributing much. I’ve seen an IC left alive in a mash because said IC didn’t really do anything to help the village.)

Lemon was like pure village in the neighbourhood

You did great this game Luxy, I was vibing with your reads immediately. Shame I could only protect you for 2 days. :confused:

Yeah my play wasn’t that great because I wasn’t confident enough in my reads because I didn’t read posts I wasn’t present for and I expected myself to be wrong after taking such a long break.

Clearly I still have my mojo

Hence I didn’t push them hard and allowed thread concensus to convince me on people like gorta

Yeah, I was willing to trust that coming from you. But I still think that, on principle, people shouldn’t put too much stock in neighborhood stuff when making reads on a person. It leads to misclears and pocketing.

It happened in two neighborhoods this game, and I’ve pocketed people as a wolf in neighborhoods many times. A good example on this site is Countries FM, where I got my entire neighborhood to townread me and made them all look bad after I flipped.

I was kinda upset I didn’t get a chance to post day 4 timezone things

The Amelia re-eval and scumread was actually an excellent thing the village did this game, I think it’s an underrated move. He was indeed mafia, and people re-evaluated his play without considering whatever he might’ve done in the neighborhood chat, or at least not allowing it to cloud judgment.

I don’t think reading players based only on neighbourhood posts and expecting others to just go with it is good play. Yes, it should’ve worked because you were a strong greenchecked town, but when you’re no longer around there’s nobody that can push those reads. Especially in a mash like this (with 22K posts wowee), when reads like that aren’t signal boosted anymore people will quickly forget about them. That’s probably mostly because there isn’t a case/ISO they can read and it just relies on trust.

And most players prooobably focus more on their own reads rather than general consensus/legacies the closer the game gets to My/LyLo

I also think people should be more willing to let go of their reads when contrary evidence appears. Sure, you might’ve townread kat/orange for three phases, but when they were consistently high-posting and consistently not dying, something was definitely wrong. Especially since both are considered strong players here and would’ve definitely been targeted by wolf KP simply by virtue of being threats.


Also I want to complain about hyperposting. Hyperposters suck. :upside_down_face: and I LOVE the hyperposter vig role.

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Treeman being a wolf was really fucking hilarious tbh