FAM Final Main Thread - Game Over - Mafia + Imperials win!

if it was last night sure

but like

i think i may know why it didnt work

i mean n2 but yeah

didnt a mafia roleblocker and mafia jailkeeper die D2

Alright going to the gym so will be back in some time

People, go look at orange and appel. Appel’s behavior did noy warrant the execution, and orange has been consistently anti-town in his pushes

Whyze fuck

You said you trusted my godread on them

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these are both wrong my guy

I thought people said conroy was maf?

prolly atp

so uhh

im gonna out this info

I saved katze from marl’s hyperposter bullet, and then i put that bullet onto jane n2, delayed

but jane isnt a hyperposter so uhh

i dont think it worked

Who suggested to put Appel wagon again? When we had a wagon going for Centuries.

i did until i realized my read on you was low confidence and if i ignore your read on cheese i had basically nothing?

I’ve seen town!conroy give up before (invites comes to mind) but I don’t think this is that

Conboi is in the shot pool here, espically with arctic flipping town, its not a good look


i really don’t think cheese is scum but it’s not like anyone believes me
nobody listened when i said i thought appel would flip town
and if you believe me you’re just going to say I am TMIing the flips, so as soon as ITAs open just let TL shoot me and he’ll win and leave.

yeah you see Arctic’s role? he roleblocked Conroy N1 and Conroy claimed to have gotten a result. He should absolutely be on the shotlist.

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oh wait are you a chronomancer


as someone who did not read a single post from 8hrs before EOD to EOD i wanna say that Appel’s shot was very questionnable and just from what you quoted cheese, I don’t really agree with your take

like especially seeing appel’s read where I’m like her topwolf despite her genuinely not interacting with me once in the entire game is kinda ??

you mean necromancer?

