FAM Final Main Thread - Game Over - Mafia + Imperials win!

the problem is i keep using logic to read people and i get stumped by lolwolves

im fine flipping emilia here but i dont really think she’s a hit

who do you think we should flip then



im fine with flipping these two slots

(lemon and emilia)

any other slot im not

/vote Chloe

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/self vote and ate

I’m less fine with it?

but like


it would be hilarious if emilia flipped w
and that’s the motivation that has flipped centuries and gorta


as far as i can tell the only thing emilia has going for is meta (lolgorta) and the fact shes done dumb shit that makes no sense coming from a wolf (lolcenturies)


wait holy shit what if its italy :flushed:

italy tried to doxx you in cult chat

i dont think its italy


that’s true

and thus far what’s funny has worked out

this is terrifying

you never saw me coming until it was too late i’ve already triggered my 10 player endgame passive i win

thats what you get for RANDING WOLF KATZE

i’m gonna type up a shot chart gimme a bit to figure out how to format it without it looking like garbo

I like emilia dead more than lemon rn

we don’t have ITAs