the poor other hosts
I said it might kill him
I don’t get it
That was good with we didn’t need 3 threads for just normal talking though but ywah
Having a different thread for voting sucks ass
But linking votes made in the main thread is super workable
Still no M451 automatic VCs but way better than the alternative
he’d had enough and wanted out of the game
say 1/3 of these are kk or yaya
why didnt i get a bomb present
that makes at least four of us
five if you include conboi
I think the biggest fuckup this game was killing apelsin instead of TL/centuries
oh yeah
we knew we needed TL’s kill so we pushed hard to let him live
The shot was villagery and all the people who thought so were europeans who could not attend eod to do anything about it
Yeah this told me you were a wolf but town lost my help at that point.
i was honestly baffled appel died for it cause she was super villagery d1
we take those
but lol
we were actually scared you’d throw and kill one of us