FAM Final Main Thread - Game Over - Mafia + Imperials win!

how did centuries know solic had an omega ability

I think the Wazza role microchipped him N1

we fullcopped solic

when the scum have more IP than KP :frowning:

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Okay so

Funny story


Pretty much all your kp was added a few hours before rand in a huge rush when we realized ‘wait fuck scum need more kp uhhhhhhhhhhh what do we do’


Fun times

Dont design a mash in a week, i dont recommend it

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We had less KP?

We couldn’t kill a N0 greenpeek until D4

society when killpower

You had no dayvig

The claimvig was night/day but super limited

Also no weeb killer iirc

It was incredibly wonky

I can’t believe you gave an event more KP than the scumteam


wolves killed more people than BOATS

…I think

There was also a 3p faction smhhhhhh

Neuts out

oh right ok

anyway i had a lot of fun playing this game even though the stuff with centuries made me want to pull my hair out because from my perspective he was very obviously a wolf 99% of the time and people not killing in TL/centuries on day 3 kinda hurt

i guess i should have been more assertive with the appel read but i began to stop caring because that day really took the life out of me

neighbourhoods and stuff are fun and i’m happy the future foundation was pure

i made a bet on katze being a wolf in uninformed initially for the sake of devil’s advocate but then i realized that they really probably were just a wolf, but i wasn’t as confident as this when i was alive

orange played a strong game, don’t really have much to say there
the main red flags were how he didn’t re-eval after so many green LHF flips (i think i pointed this out) and also interpreting appel’s shot as scummy - although this one was harder to read into because from an orange v perspective he’s likely to be biased into thinking the shot was scummy anyway

the worst part about this game was my flavour since i had no idea who the person was


Would we have originally though?

it definitely killed more villagers than BOATS

I wanted more poison in the game tbh

Also 10% anytime ITAs are officially not the move

Good experiment

Never again


Having the only poison in the game be a one-shot 3p poison that cant work on 4 players and is negated by fruit wasnt my favorite thing ever

And in hindsight i shoulda fought harder for that to Not Be Like That

But shrugze