FAM Final Main Thread - Game Over - Mafia + Imperials win!

Tessa is her full first name

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Contessa Ardentine


so basically instead of just pushing reads even if I’m not sure on them I should actually put in the work to see if I think they’re correct?

but that’s hard


me and Tessa are descended from nobility yes

well, yeah that’s a way of putting it

i think you should try to ensure that the justification you have for your reads warrants the level of confidence you have in them

because a lot of the time you seem to be confidently pushing someone (like emilia) but were aware that what they were doing could conceivably be coming from a villager

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ftr i’m talking about when i was alive

the thing is I’m basically confident in none of my reads

so I just push all of my reads equally and I don’t have enough self awareness as to how good they actually are

that’s why you try and think about the reasoning you have, but even if that doesn’t work you have other people to talk to who can test the rigidity of your reads

i think vulgard is a pretty good example of someone you didn’t communicate with very well (he mentioned this too so i feel like it’s worth saying atm) and it’s a shame because if you two established some common ground in realizing the towncore could be tainted then we could have gone from there

don’t get too down about your play though, you have just as many things to be happy about as you don’t

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self-target as vigilante to get that psychological advantage on the wolves :flushed:

i had a nightmare about this game last night that it didn’t actually end



nobody gets off mr bones’ wild ride

actually while i’m here i have a similar problem

i speak as though i’m more confident in a lot of my reads than i actually am (and this is where the notion that i’m incredibly self-assured comes from despite it not exactly being true) and so there can be some confusion

however consciously i am aware of how confident i am in all of my reads and the justification i’m using

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i think feigning a degree of confidence is fine

massively exaggerating it can be bad

if people think your gutread is as strong as a godread then :joy_cat:

so long as you are consciously aware of how confident you actually are, then yes

otherwise the priority should be figuring out how confident you should be in the read based on the evidence you’re using and push it according to that level

if you push someone and sound very confident their reactions are much more likely to be genuine imo

marshal calling me a wolf D1 despite only reading me as “not being villagery nor wolfy” made me subconsciously change my play at points i think


that’s a good play so long as afterwards if the wagon gains traction you can make it clear that you aren’t actually entirely confident

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it’s funny because i knew marshals read on me was very likely to be fake but i still had an urge to panic

this site kinda uses the phrase “reaction test” in cringe ways but shit like this is really effective if used right

reaction tests cause me to kill more villagers than wolves because 90% of the time they are “used” they are carried out in a scummy/performative way without even carrying out any analysis of reactions which you’d think is wolf AI but a lot of the time these people end up being villagers



there i changed my profile description too