FAM Final Main Thread - Game Over - Mafia + Imperials win!


conroy was also a tactician

cause they have a bunch of Day kp

that uh

wasn’t a response to that post in particular

just in general

kill the people who jumped on tan when lol became viable

its 5 flipped 3 wolves after the first 4

if they rounded down there’s 11 wolves and if up 12
so i think we’re in a good position
now let’s scuff the entire fucking game

wait its only n0

yes they have a factional kill

but there’s no other flipped wolf night kp and they only have 1kpn so that’s literally it outside of leafia I think

can someone explain why we started winning all of a sudden



katze i think had their vote on Tan wagon for hours btw


but it still means that we can assume that there was some strategy going on


i voted tan then went to bed


I put my vote on tan when it was orange/tan wagons

we take those

i would say start from the back but yeah

the future foundation absorbs all the town energy of the dead townies to make its members better at playing the game
that’s why a group of lolvillagers are now carrying the game

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idr what the wagons even were when i voted her i just remember her making an AtE post to me and i felt really bad about it

Arctic is probably bullying the shit out of me in spec chat

not like that isn’t deserved