FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

saving astand prob

…How… How is Luk the CFD here?

what’s wrong

can i help

maybe never mind



Nevermind Tangeld can go

/vote Tangeld

I’ve explained my read

he showed up I guess

According to town consensus, if you vote me then you’re sus because I’m easy target. :angel:

missing astand

if you’re v he can go there but im p doubt on u v

/vote Luk

knowing what to expect literally doesn’t matter to me

what thoughts do you have

idc if they’re “bad” or unpolished or whatever

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don’t know

git gud

or git town, jury’s still out on that one

Tbh I didn’t expect my push on Tangeld to get this much traction

I didn’t exactly articulate my thoughts very well



I do not know what Tang is doing with the voting.

okay that’s understandable, neither do I

do you have any thoughts on any other slots

Tangeld I want to know why you voted yourself there