FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

I’ve explained my read

he showed up I guess

According to town consensus, if you vote me then you’re sus because I’m easy target. :angel:

missing astand

if you’re v he can go there but im p doubt on u v

/vote Luk

knowing what to expect literally doesn’t matter to me

what thoughts do you have

idc if they’re “bad” or unpolished or whatever

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don’t know

git gud

or git town, jury’s still out on that one

Tbh I didn’t expect my push on Tangeld to get this much traction

I didn’t exactly articulate my thoughts very well



I do not know what Tang is doing with the voting.

okay that’s understandable, neither do I

do you have any thoughts on any other slots

Tangeld I want to know why you voted yourself there

Mist. Talk to me why my reads are bad

@Luxy we’re lynching astand here, not tangeld

Because I wanted to not have to deal with this game anymore.

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Yes, do you have votes on you? Because I do not know at which post the voting tabel is at.

Come on, you’re better than this

cuz you didnt have substantial reasoning for them

you were clearly here and engaged but you weren’t solving

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