FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

okay enough bitching im the one whos probably 1000 posted despite being sick this is my own fault

im tempted to endorse it ngl

i think he’s a wolf

doesn’t mean i don’t think you are

I’m closer

Then cuddle :smiley:

I’ve been fine with cuddling you all day

/vote Universal


:smiley: Cuddles are the best

It would be funny if nothing else

first I need to check orange’s posts out again since I’m not half asleep

ok then don’t complain about me not trying to get more information from you if you aren’t going to contribute

Cuddles :smiley:



Uni, the almost game ending jester

alright well help me bus him then

/vote Universal

you have like 20 posts shouldn’t you have better to do


/vote universal

Oh, I will contribute. Just not tell my reads to you who has closed off their own views :smiley:

Oh my fucking God I just had a genius idea

spit it out man

Well then this is what we’re doing :smiley:

/vote Universal