FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

Did I mention Leafia/TL aren’t partners yet

i don’t think i have much more to say and i gotta finish stuff before i head to sleep
and then get up early for work lol

Multiple people have

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Because they aren’t


but whysper is at l-3
best not touch that for an hour or two


I was the first to say it bitch

Get rekt m8

oh whoops, maybe i shouldnt have voted then
anyway i’m leaving for the night so i wont be back before eod

can I claim the whysper pelt yet

wait until the skinning starts

could be another event that could kill more wolves :laughing:

boats 2: the reckoning

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fuk u

seriously why did boats kill my WiM

am I seriously that shallow

I mean I am

but it hurts to be reminded of that

I’d say that’s wolfy but frankly you’re so ass backwards I buy it

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hey at least boats didnt kill you

the repeat of history suggests we’re going to do boats two more times
pick a god and pray

there’s just no honour in this victory