FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

yeah they are

whyspers shot looks alot worse now i feel

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literally just sheep me for the rest of the day for freelo

kill whysper

leafia specifically accused TL of being the 3p

which is super not W/W but wolves also have TMI :joy_cat:


i mean whatever

i don’t really care about the 3p

more blood


/Vote Whyspher

lol the fact Leafia went for that angle makes me think wolves know TL is actually 3P lmfao

make them kill the 3p themselves then

katze we kill whysper now

i can see it still but

TL looks better in general

ok so
are we doing the same thing with me/vulgard/cloned/universal

which is killing universal


leafia was flailing around calling anyone who pushed her 3p

she did the same thing with arctic earlier on

actually yeah fuck it

/vote whysper

lets go

I am shoot CW btw unless otherwise stated at EoD so other town KP and move elsewhere

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imma be honest ive not looked at a single flip past asking myself “did they have an omega ability”

yeah imma just try to find the ITA chart real quick and update it

/vote Whysper in the meantime

their vote on joker earlier was kinda horrible too i just thought joker was an outted wolf so :joy_cat:

whysper is passively doing nothing

I’ve played with whysper enough to know this is a scum tell for her

Trust me

now that I’m done boxing in villagers meta wise this is for sure scum whysper

have you seen tangeld post about twl btw


also now i think she had tmi on kyo lmao