FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

Of course I’m not gonna skim 4000 posts, screw that.

What other type of anti-claim mechanic would there be?


they were that anon shot

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You could just take me off the shotlist.

/vote the lukundo

found it

good fucking point
/vote lukundo

Anyways I’m definitely town :smiley:

so uh

let me introduce you to Mami Tomoe

shoot someone on shotlist

day roleblocker

bottom text

phase names were swapped

Also, you say that my reads what affect the big reads, but tell me how that would work when a bunch of reads were based on meta, what meta knowledge would be able to give?
Hell, I don’t even know what the normal interactions here are

it was a dayvig and a rber by normal parlance


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day claimvig that only has to guess one thing correctly

So you’re claiming its either from flavor claim, role claim or ability claim?

Lastly, you say my reads, but other than your rear on me,wwhat eelse ddid you contribute d1