FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

Oh this is going to be fun

if intensify is a wolf then centuries is 1000000% partnered

me and sulit talked about this extensively this morning

and sulit is fucking dead now so im holding that legacy for her for the time being

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Okay we wait for this to process

I’m going to sleep and I’d rather not die in my sleep
But if I do then :joy_cat:

Anyway please kill Intensify first


A silent ITA was fired at Intensify!


Intensify has died.

Their flip cannot be found! They may continue posting but cannot vote or perform actions.

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i think we talked about windward but i also don’t remember us getting a real conclusion there

i wouldn’t cry if she got shot but… not yet? definitely not high priority imo


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Wait what

min you didnt tell us it was a janitor

was that supposed to happen


Uh, I didnt know it was a janitor


no it’s botc

it’s not a janitor

it’s a tree stumpifier

intensify can still post

I read through his entire ISO and it’s not impressive
I’m still not convinced his nulltown read on me was in good faith, especially because he went “heres a couple of towny posts but not enough to townread Wind” and then never gave examples of any posts that gave him hesitation on reading me

that sounds like a botc flip passive

Oh heck

oh okay

but still

that hurts not getting the flip there tbh