FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

maybe wind is mafia

6 is a bullshit number

she isn’t

what if blizer/Jane are w/w and the delayed kill is fake

min already flipped with basically that ability right

we dont have to panic
we just have to work as a team to figure out what the poe should look like now, since it’s been working pretty well so far, but most of the LHFs are gone as arctic pointed out.

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during n1 i had a strong TR on appel and my reads n1 were pretty good


idk prolly not I think vulgard is more likely mafia than him and I remember his vulgard push

so then why tf are we shaking it up

orange did you lie when you said appel was openwolfing

im like 90% sure i know exactl what blizer is but

how did i survive marl shot n1 if blizer is a wolf

would they not just be outted tomorrow then?

no kat is being dumb

Shouldnt we know that by end of the day?

she literally shot me and dipped from the thread lmao

what n1 shot

marl shot me n1

blizer claimed to save me n1

oh I read that wrong

idk wolf jailkeeper

oh yeah blizer is also only a wolf if katze is a wolf

i mean a wolf jailkeeper laready flipped

…i could have been RBed n1, i guess???