FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

i just think uni is partnered with nutella

their interactions looked incredibly stiff and nutella came out of nowhere calling their tone awkward despite if i’m being honest, their tone actually being kind of villagery and it felt like they were pulling at straws

the worst look was when uni called my push opportunistic, and nutella said to uni “aren’t you gonna say the same for me?”

like, why would nutella be encouraging uni to say she’s being opportunistic/wolfy

universal also called nutella mafia in their interaction but not me once, despite them making it pretty obvious they thought my push was worse

Emilia did

just be patient for a minute tbh

lemon and Italy I think?

wait it was emilia not italy

wouldnt at all be surprised if one of these two were a wolf

all i did was egg you on :joy_cat:

LOL both town don’t @ me

I’m not entirely sure

I was kinda tempted to ITA it

Why, that they knew that its valid ITA target but succeeding to kill is slime to none?

it ain’t lemon

the botc hood is never ever ever w/w/w/v and if one of lemon/pkr is also scum it’s pkr every day of the week

That’s what I was thinking about Emilia but I forgot Lemon also shot at barcode
I doubt two wolves would shoot at it,that looks dumb as hell

you very clearly have no extra information about the setup or people’s alignments from the angles you are taking and the questions you’re raising in the thread

I wasn’t

killing the holder would always be more efficient and it shot its shots for the day

it encourages other people to take the shot and gives them an excuse for not shooting their buddies

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I just came back and asked one question :frowning:

That make sense actually.

I thought lemon was clear?

yeah but just hol up a minute


why are we allowing TL to survive when we said to immediately kill him at the start of the day phase

what happened to the “0 or 2 wolf cult leaders” consensus why did that suddenly go away right when nutella died