FAM Final Main Thread - Game Over - Mafia + Imperials win!

yea ok whatever man just let me have this

katze actually played so she can explain it

/vote unvote

vote frost

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me whenever a wolf flips


habit sorry

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still willing to do this

arete was last wolf and was like “kill me and then kill marshal :flushed:” and then they killed arete cuz lol



did that really happen lol

I don’t understand how the concept of “just kill the poe” is so hard



because i falsely mech cleared marshal before dying and arete wanted to get her MLed

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lemon > frost > emilia


emilia today

lemon hopefully dies tonight

and then frost tomorrow


the thing is if frost flips village I will be sadder than if emilia flips village

lemon I get you want to die but there’s decent odds you do that anyways

that’s why i don’t believe it tbh

so we get emilia first because you won’t stop bitching about it