FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

if you need help when you come back ping me :hugs:

yes gib claims

I have a question for all of you.

How do you all sleep at night?

Like really?

Mash in and mash out it’s the same crap. You all just gang up on the Europeans because of our timezones. I may be the greatest mafia player alive but even I struggle sometimes. The only times in the last several years that I have been able to perform in these conditions have been when I was so depressed I was pretending at work. When I had so little to offer humanity that I rather channeled my time towards these feckless endeavors.

You people disgust me. Your parents would be disgusted.


ping me if you don’t need help

going out of my way to not ping arctic here

ping me if u need soup

ping me if you want to talk about hockey

I am still considering it gonna need to think on it a few

You guys post a lot

actually before I go I’d like to remind everybody that hippo genuinely has some of the best reads on the site and has given exactly zero

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no you post alot

Fuck you

you derp a lot

no fuck you

Kat, could you restate your case against Vulgard so that even a rube could understand it? I feel like it’s comprised of a bunch of littler reads scattered across this whole ass thread, and I’d very much prefer it if we can summarize the case of Vulgard into a few posts so that we don’t keep dwelling on it.
(Plus the 33 pillars thing makes me kinda think Vulgard might have TMI, and you might convince me that he’s wolf if you have good logic behind it.)

he didn’t really do much in RWBY where he was town though

I hate city’s the service sucks ass

Vi l l a… wollfy.?


Mafia was created by Dimitri Davidoff in 1986. Since then, there have been tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands Mafia games played throughout the world, in IRL, Forums, Video, Voice chat and more.

From all of these millions, billions, and even trillions Mafia games, there has not been a single town who has been more towny than Vulgard has been this game. Take that scumread back and be ashamed of yourselves.

This has all been an elaborate reaction test.

Every single post of mine was me covering for me thinking his cop claim was real, and scumreading him so he’d not get nightkilled.

Since then, he has claimed to be a weak role.

This is bad play on his end, but whatever. The cover is no longer necessary.

Vulgard is a villager.


he acutally was atleast progressing in terms of gamestate and thought process was pretty towny

ill give it a bit, orange aint wrong, its noticeable to me tbh