FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

this is a serious read

I’m being handled with kid gloves again

why does this make you a villager

its a 47 player game

shut your ego up before i do it for you

cause if I’m getting actively ignored it means the wilves are scared of how large my forum mafia playing skills are

or wolves don’t think I’m a threat/an easy push so I get ignored

I see how you mean that tbh

I think its towny for Ghana to genuinely make a read to say they’re threadspewed cuz of that lol

Even if I dont agree

I think its towny

this is where i’m at


you will kill villagers that I ask you to kill

I mean it is weird that I was the top poster for like 2 seconds

unless I’m so obnoxious everyone was glad to have me gone

wait fuck

When did you get into thead?

can you tldr why people are suspecting them in the first place

A couple of hours ago

at like 3:00

then I left for a bit

maybe you’re just seth


Og okay thank

you seem to be thinking that’s an own when it’s objectively true

Have you ever seen me and Seth in the same game?

Oh you have? Well I guess I was double accounting there oops

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people are trying way too hard today

like way too fucking hard

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I’m making reads but since this is my first mash in dont think I’ll be making alot of effort until some people die first for my own sanity so

Idek If I wanna bother wondering what’s happening with vul rn