FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

either way jane is another lhf european that im picking on

astand might be #3 because his posts aren’t great but they were all made at start of game so i’d give him more time personally

Wazza is also a lhf european and also has p bad posts, this one is less strong than jane or hipp tho

why do you sound like you’re wearing a monocle while reading this

Well, hello everyone. Sorry for the silence so far. I just got some free time today.

I hope everyone is having a fun game so far.

because I am

anyways I’m gonna hit the sheets :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

This is my first game on FoL, it is also my first mash, So I have no idea what I’m doing right now.

I read the first 200 or so post and then I said screw it, because there is no way anything in this thread is going make sense to me.

i’ve played like over 10 mashes and prob over 50 games on fol and i still have no idea what i’m doing, you’ll be fine

you don’t have to read everything just read the posts made while you’re here or choose a few players to iso if thread is slow.

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my head hurts so I’m just going to go now

probably from not drinking enough or whatever

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Alcohol will make headache worse. Don’t do it!

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also I’m suing you all for stealing my hippo read

The man of society is here

I read the helpful guide that Vulg posted.

So I have some idea of what I should be doing, but I don’t really have any meta knowledge to use so I’m looking for a good sheepherder right now. Because this early in the game I am really only good for being sheep right now.

gotcha, I normally just play over on nuf, but Zone finally convinced me to play a game on here.

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They really just seem to be existing in thread and just helping people out

I don’t think this is w!luna v!tan specifically, this would be the weirdest way for a wolf to defend a villager in the history of forum mafia

could be v/w or v/v or w/w, but not w/v

aka kill tan if luna is wolf
(also if the ici flavors and tan flavors aren’t loverized im gonna riot)

yeah i think that their helpful demeanor isn’t wolfy individually it’s just that it’s about all they’re doing and they’re just randomly popping in to do it

i do remember them having a lot more initiative in her wolf game (this was quite a bit ago) but i don’t remember ever seeing her village

(Hosts didn’t know about it, so it’d be kinda :eyes: if that was a thing.)

If you prefer to ita hippo, than who do you want to vote?