FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

Demand pic of grey demon

thats a fat maybe

i’ll try to give lol due diligence but im inherently biased against the slot

Real timing gets full information???

You should be able to read people on real time

its all gut reads dont worry about it

game starts like d3 d4 thats when the lhfs are mostly dead

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i should be
Doesnt mean i can

wow that was a profoundly depressing document how do you play games like this

hacking and cheating

meh alright

/vote Silviu200530

Plus im mostly scared to form opinions now
The last
X number of reads
Have turned out to be shit
Ill ISO people after a few flips


sulit lolcatting???

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if u make no reads they all will be shit

I mean… just read this game, while I go look for more recent ones.

And ignore my terrible game design.

90% of his posts sound incredibly forced.

I’ve only been wrong on him once, when he was a disinterested villager.


can we get another event i missed the one im good at and i wanna do good at at least something today

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ok 1 sec

its okay i’m just waiting for the inevitable history trivia event that arete’s going to put into the game without the other host’s consent to win


alternatively, does anyone wanna play skribbl

not as a game thing just

play it

Event! I’m gay!
Type /in if you agree!

