FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

Kat mentioned pregame how they wanted to rand w here. Them feeling stiff might not necessarily be wolf AI.


i have a secret read but it’s super contrarian so i’m gonna let it simmer in case im just a fucking idiot and everybody else is right

The one time I tried you were a wolf.

Wat this mean.

if centuries doesn’t advocate voting out the exact wolfteam by D2 they’re outed tbh

intensify is V orange is V

intensify has a pure reasoning to tr orange

intensify is V orange is W


intensify is W orange is V

the wording in intensify post is like so farfetched he cant come up with such a dumb and wrong read on the spot so assuming no coaching (highly unlikely) this scenario makes no sense

intensify is W orange is W

could happen, could get coached, is it likely, still dont think so, the wording in intensify post is pure asf and the line of reasoning that is showcased in there is a reach for him to come up with as wolf but thats me coming from an angle where i dont expect ANYTHING

what no >:(

brb getting a 15 person poe rq

i thought you were asking if you were vulgard


its called im taking antidepressants lmao

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I read that as getting a 15 person poo


i don’t think intensify being dumb is AI

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I think this wording is AI.
For Arctic.

feel free to discredit my read but like i think my line of reasoning is way better than “anything intensify does is nai because he’s a dumb person” and i odnt think intensify is like dumb enough to do that

also i forgot my original line of reasoning already

its been 3 minutes

send help

You see

I can definitely believe intensify is dumb enough to do it

/vote arctic

dumb to do what

KyoDaz - v - good opening, solvy reads

Clonedscheesei - vtillager liean - has nover not ranedde vilalger
katze - aopening reads good and didnt rand woolf int 25 gamse or soemthing

Arc’ic - one good post maybe sure, need solving thououg
Conroy France-san - did some solving I guess?

Intensefei - looks not great opening? process is fine, but about null
Vulgad - respons to pressure is stiff lol