FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

yes I am

ive played with her enough lol

Hmm where?

he usually tries to actually move the thread in a direction as town, here he’s very much floating by and putting reads in thread in a way that’s markedly low-impact for him and very bland

Is there anything you’d say that would make Silviu towny then?

my actual answer is “you’re playing differently than most players here play and people inherently find it wolfy/easy to push”

I don’t believe she is towny no

this website doesnt play mashes

otherwise it wouldn’t be fucking 36/12

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what if people just realized what towny things are or like what wolfy things are for that matter too

Plus marshal is as well but marshal just has a trash read on me always tbh

imagine this game goes to like day 8

thats over 2 weeks of straight mashing


Ok then.

There’s no reason to TR Silviu either…

Maybe we leave them as ITA zone for being lowposter and stuff

christ i hope i dont engame lol


This perspective makes 0 sense for a villager to have especially when they think that they are obvious town (they said this in a later post) and so can be found easily - they would be actively encouraging people to try and read their slot with the confidence that they can obvtown themselves

It’s more likely that TL is trying to discredit any wolfreads on him by saying that trying to read him D1 is futile

after convincing my cat for 5 minutes that it is safe to jump up onto my desk (despite her doing it a million times)

i am now back

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yeah ive been on mobile most of day and am on desktop now and it’s better in some ways but not that

this was it

I don’t get what’s wrong with it

theres also the fact that this was their third post like 1800 posts after their last and also the reply is quite a bit after vulgards post

half of their iso is like this

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i am still accepting shot list applicationsze