FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

Okay, I really feel the lack of reads from Lukundo, but what stands out to me more is the complete lack of reasoning behind the reads he does give. He just seems to declare things like “sulit town” “katze wolf” and doesn’t explain why. And one thing that disgustingly stood out to me was that someone asked him for a take on Orange and he responded with “cba im on mobile right now” and never touched it again. Given that they’re now both wolfread, that feels like an indication that they are in fact both wolves and Luk didn’t want to touch the case on his scummate.

mmmm i thiiiiiink this is villagery

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orange is getting villagerier rn imo

I started off thinking I’d only get to be on for a little bit whereas in the CD one I was around basically 24/7 so I started off harder here

Despite this my level of engagement is similar in both

After chess hit on D1 I literally stopped trying at all and that has obviously not happened here

What have you provided after that statement?

hm. Alright.

if you look at my isos ive been giving more reads on people and more thoughts just then I was really overwhelmed lol

are you a kitty cat uni ive been liking your vibes

A quick summary please

surely you must be able to see why I have fifty alarm bells going off

Here’s the actual quote if anyone wanted to double-check my take on those two.

Hmmm, I’ve been getting the same impression honestly. Not enough to ot shoot him with my ITA tomorrow though. Not yet at least.

considering I said it then proceeded to vote you, no shit.

I am a polar bear :smiley: Of the polar alliance!

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We’ve never been in the thread at the same time and I’m known for having a lot of posts

Even though I’ve only been on for like, five hours total, I still have a few hundred here

I’m not convinced that’s a scummy take even if I imagined I was scum


are you ever going to explain any of your takes

can I add leafia to the shotlist @sulit

considering I say “I have a plan for tomorrow”, then proceed to vote you, I think that’d ring something in anyone’s mind if they’re being voted.

imma heroshoot my shot tomorrow and everyone else will do the same