FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

…I asked if you were going to explain your takes?

Also, you were nearly lockscum, but not quite at that point. What? I’m not allowed to change my mind about my reads? I always need to have the same reas on a person and can’t ever reevaluate or else I’m scum!?!

oh please

Irrelevant to the current thread, but I can’t be the only one who disliked Intensify’s reaction to Firekitten being shot, right?

you just like it because its yours and you wanna be right

wasn’t around


yeah and?

I had explained them earlier unless you meant why I was agreeing with Mist.

you aren’t

convincing argument


this is it.

ok but that is pretty ironic


I feel like we’ve kinda skated around each other most of this game so it’s all I’ve got

that being said why do you have a read on me here when you literally never do elsewhere

did nyarchmage really change your perception of me that much


no hourly info

nothing has change

i probably post final reads list and vote in next hourze then sleep

or i stay up and stalk thread for event

etiher is likely

sulit I’d like to point out that I still have more posts than you and therefore will inevitably mislynch you on D4

Honestly, I don’t put too much stock in that, because it feels like an immediate reaction. It’s not terribly helpful, but I don’t think it’s inherently wolfy.

I didn’t see anything wrong with that. It really was ironic. :slight_smile: I’m not sure what you are suggesting about pointing it out.

what are you even responding to