FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

You are the God of mafia UwU

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im used to you hating randing W

it’s a light read anywayze

I have a N0 parity cop check that Vulgard/Arctic/Cloned/Universal are not all the same alignment

hard disagree

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I see, I really don’t understand Katze (much less since I have been gone for a month)

i’m gonna go make some food and maybe when i come back somebody will acknowledge my existence

marl is an interesting slot
i kind of want to call him v?

you do understand that like
nothing im talking to you about pertains to the game, yes?
regardless, how is not giving a shit wolfy? and why is me doing TWTBW?


He starts discussing other topics later on

I do think his posts are rather forgettable tho

I buy it so means ah
Information yes that word xD

true but he lingers weirdly i think

I don’t understand what you’ve posted

haven’t you played with marl for years

oh my god I think I underestimated the volume of this.

Hi wassup.

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but that doesn’t mean I don’t try
see Clown Fiesta 2, for example
(you could use the recent short fuse but short fuse isnt a real game so dont)

this is totally a serious claim btw

didnt like his start but they’ve picked up

i admittedly misread them a bit in the RWBY game so im not giving them a super free pass but they’re GTH a villabro yea

that doesn’t mean i can magically read him perfectly with 100% accuracy
what do you think i am, good at mafia? get out of here

I used to be able to read SDA, Italy, Centuries, and a few others, so those will likely be the people I focus on

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I’m a bit wary of Cents right now? Although they had some moments that felt good
Realistically it’s probably just too early to tell as of yet