FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

You don’t

Its day 1 of a mash lol


Hapy p3ide monrh

i take notes as town, i take notes as wolf, i intended not to take any notes at all in this game but ended up doing it anyway when i was interacting in realtime earlier
then posted notes, got some questions about them, and don’t remember anything else worth mentioning

what happened to “absolutely no effort”
r u a lyer

Maybe this is why I’m shit at mafia

it’s funny people read me off my openers though
just because they suck in EVERY game I’m in

no! I said it’d be funny if I did

am i not good enough for you
just read me off of my opener smh

oh no i meant in other games
in this one i think my notes are shit so it’s not like i’m putting much stock into them

I didn’t even put a wolf read on you in my spread sheet wind that’s how much I care

i feel like one of night/wind is a wolf but im not sure which


min im sorry i love you but how do you fuck the spelling up that bad


I don’t remember your opener :pensive:

Just send a meme

i’m compulsive :frowning:

Min has become sulit

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it’s probably night

I’m actually gonna go now. See you all later. Especially sulit

night was trying way too hard