FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

litten did you rand wolf again

because thats a very big post and i cannot tell a single thing that it says

no I’m villager

Hedgy read fk :grimacing:

Luxy I know how to do non hedgg reads as mafia

i dont buy it


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He’s townreading Marl by saying that that response doesn’t come from a wolf Marl, unless Marl is aware of the impression others might have that this behavior is Marl’s town meta and so he’d consciously do it as wolf. And yeah, hedgy as fuck, he basically punts the question of “does Marl do this as mafia” to others so that they do the work and he doesn’t have to dig into this one.

I’m not going to do the work you all can give me the work so I can change my read if needed

litten that post reminds me of that time you intentionally made your posts wolfy to get n1 guessed

and then got d1’d for it

still no event, still no reads from me.

I might look for a few wolves outside of hippo cuz he’s ita fodder anyways

good times

He was wolf in RWBY fm

i diddnt see him make a post like this or give this energy off at all before he got outted by a redcheck

but it has been a while since i played FM with marl, so idk if hes faked stuff like that recently

i think that FK post is villagery unless it isn’t villagery (can someone tell me if it’s villagery?)


i think W!FK would be a bit more desicive with that honestly

but it is also FK so idk


going to just say town then because lash out was entirely unnecessary unlike the red check lash out (or I assume there was a lash out with the way you worded it)

I think this katze post is villagery or it could be not villagery

(Could someone tell me if it’s villagery?)

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not particularly liking orangeboy’s posts but he doesn’t bus really so i’ll give him some time


There wasnt a lash out he just tried to cc min and then just lolcatted

i dont think

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marshal i dont want to sound like im pocketing you but can u talk about me more

its really easy to read you when ur reading me