FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

I never said it existed I said I never saw it bra

Would you rather me no vote can do that to xD

he’s not the only one though :thinking:

I haven’t noticed anyone else but having to act as a cat seems the most painful thing to do in a game

it’s pretty fun actually but that’s why you’re gonna see a bunch of posts where i forget and then immediately ‘nya’ after to keep the balance, nya

meowluxion is becoming a sleeper katzen

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haiku post restriction is way worse, meow

Does it have to be exactly 50% as the balance or can it be more than 50%

this is literally the only reason I’m on rn

meowre than 50%

does somebody have that

or was that in an older game

it sounds vaguely familiar

I pinned it will look when I wake up work in 5 hours brain work not


/vote Wazza

I feel sorry for you

Pat pat

Bad timing Kat, I have to go now lol

eh fuck it

/vote wazza

oh wait I forgot

night’s read on me was villagery enough to get a pass through the “what even are mashes who thought this was a good idea” phase

ok that’s all gn

Same thing there

Aight, cya

wazza’s ita fodder lol, she’s mafia but we can ita her alongside fellow wolves hippo and jane

okay but if every wolf is ITA fodder are we going to just no exe D1

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weren’t you literally advocating for that